It looks like blue light filters are the in-thing right now. Apple included a blue light filter of some sort in iOS 9 where it goes by the name Night Shift and Samsung has included a similar feature in its embattled Galaxy Note 7.

Microsoft may be the next by bringing a blue light filter to Windows if placeholder icons on the latest test builds (build 14915 specifically) of Windows 10 available to Windows Insiders are anything to go by.

According to the user, the blue light filter, whose Quick Action toggle resides at the bottom of the Windows 10 Action Centre alongside other shortcuts, will be enabled and disabled automatically at sunset and sunrise respectively.

Redstone 2, the next big update after the Anniversary Update (Redstone) which started rolling out to Windows 10 users in early August, is not expected until early next year (2017) and as such the feature may or may not make it to the final build that Microsoft eventually makes available for download and installation to users.

Currently, Windows 10 (and other Windows PC) users are well-served by F.lux, the standard cross-platform blue light filter app. Should the feature make it to Windows 10, there will be no need for third party solutions like F.lux unless they evolve to do more.

The blue light off the displays of electronic devices has been blamed for altering the sleep cycles of the users of such devices as well as being responsible for eye strain with prolonged usage. As a result device makers are baking the ability to tune the temperature of a device’s display after nightfall right into their devices.

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