So far, there have been two reported incidents of Samsung’s latest smartphone, the Galaxy Note 7, exploding and catching fire. While the circumstances surrounding such incidences have never been clear, they should worry anyone involved in the device’s manufacturing considering that one has to part with at least $900 for a Galaxy Note 7.
According to a Samsung statement sent to Reuters, the company has begun doing additional tests on Galaxy Note 7 units that are yet to be shipped and as a result, there will be delays in shipping the device to various markets globally. This further complicates matters given that the company had earlier been forced to delay sales of the device in various countries due to overwhelming demand.
The Galaxy Note 7’s battery is said to be behind the issues encountered by users so far resulting in the reported incidences of the device exploding. Other users have also reported other issues that are related with the device’s overall performance over time. Tech publication PhoneArena detailed quite a number of issues recently and it would really look bad on the company if ordinary users experienced the same too.
Taking a step back to evaluate the Galaxy Note 7’s quality control issues may be a step in the right direction since the company’s name and reputation is on the line but it may also cut the Galaxy Note 7 any headstart it may have had over Apple’s upcoming iPhone 7 which launches next week and is tipped to hit the market before the month ends. This is not the first time such is happening, though. Last year, a shortage of the curved displays on the Galaxy S6 Edge resulted in slow sales of Samsung’s flagship smartphone for 2015.
According to a Samsung statement sent to Reuters, the company has begun doing additional tests on Galaxy Note 7 units that are yet to be shipped and as a result, there will be delays in shipping the device to various markets globally. This further complicates matters given that the company had earlier been forced to delay sales of the device in various countries due to overwhelming demand.
The Galaxy Note 7’s battery is said to be behind the issues encountered by users so far resulting in the reported incidences of the device exploding. Other users have also reported other issues that are related with the device’s overall performance over time. Tech publication PhoneArena detailed quite a number of issues recently and it would really look bad on the company if ordinary users experienced the same too.
Taking a step back to evaluate the Galaxy Note 7’s quality control issues may be a step in the right direction since the company’s name and reputation is on the line but it may also cut the Galaxy Note 7 any headstart it may have had over Apple’s upcoming iPhone 7 which launches next week and is tipped to hit the market before the month ends. This is not the first time such is happening, though. Last year, a shortage of the curved displays on the Galaxy S6 Edge resulted in slow sales of Samsung’s flagship smartphone for 2015.
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