Tomorrow, August 23rd, will see Samsung unveil a new Tizen-based smartphone, the Samsung Z2, at an event in India. At this point in time, we’ve seen and heard everything there is to see and hear about the device. Save for the obvious details that will be confirmed at the launch event, there’s not much left to our imagination.
Since, it appears, that video wasn’t enough, it doesn’t hurt to see the device in official images, though, does it?
Here they are:
The Samsung Z2 is an entry-level smartphone (as evidenced by the specs) that Samsung will be pushing over the next few months in a couple of emerging smartphone markets including Kenya (for the first time ever) after the success of previous budget Tizen phones.
Since, it appears, that video wasn’t enough, it doesn’t hurt to see the device in official images, though, does it?
Here they are:
The Samsung Z2 is an entry-level smartphone (as evidenced by the specs) that Samsung will be pushing over the next few months in a couple of emerging smartphone markets including Kenya (for the first time ever) after the success of previous budget Tizen phones.
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