Twitter, has in recent years been playing catch up amidst stiff competition from Facebook, Snapchat and even Instagram. In announcing its Q2 earnings, the company said it was getting its house in order by focusing on growing users, retention of these users and increasing its revenue per user.
Twitter however, faces a problem in that the amount of data generated by the platform is simply too much and in other instances irrelevant to a certain user. Twitter initially rolled out Moments, which is a way to aggregate tweets in a graphically immersive way. The company describes it as a “visual pulse of what is happening around the world.” Moments is set to roll out to all users across the world making it easy for users to see the funny tweets or memes or even important announcements made that they missed from different spheres.
The company has now added to the service the quality filter setting. The new option available to all users improves the quality of tweets using a variety of signals, such as account origin and behavior. Turning it on filters lower-quality content, like duplicate Tweets or content that appears to be automated, from your notifications. The new feature does not however filter content from people you follow or accounts you’ve recently interacted with but depending on user preferences, one can turn it on or off in your notifications settings. The feature will learn and improve over time based on user needs.
Also added the abilities that give users more control in determining what tweets they want to see making the service less overwhelming to users. Twitter will not allow a user to limit notifications to only people they follow. To achieve this, uses will turn the feature to limit in the notification setting. Users will also see an improvement in that Twitter will be adding the notifications setting to the notifications tab.
Twitter however, faces a problem in that the amount of data generated by the platform is simply too much and in other instances irrelevant to a certain user. Twitter initially rolled out Moments, which is a way to aggregate tweets in a graphically immersive way. The company describes it as a “visual pulse of what is happening around the world.” Moments is set to roll out to all users across the world making it easy for users to see the funny tweets or memes or even important announcements made that they missed from different spheres.
The company has now added to the service the quality filter setting. The new option available to all users improves the quality of tweets using a variety of signals, such as account origin and behavior. Turning it on filters lower-quality content, like duplicate Tweets or content that appears to be automated, from your notifications. The new feature does not however filter content from people you follow or accounts you’ve recently interacted with but depending on user preferences, one can turn it on or off in your notifications settings. The feature will learn and improve over time based on user needs.
Also added the abilities that give users more control in determining what tweets they want to see making the service less overwhelming to users. Twitter will not allow a user to limit notifications to only people they follow. To achieve this, uses will turn the feature to limit in the notification setting. Users will also see an improvement in that Twitter will be adding the notifications setting to the notifications tab.
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